Englisch in wort und schrift

  • #1

    Protest brief to ICANN - Make what!

    Lovely ICANN!

    Me belongs since three years a buyhouse in the internet. I have
    everything: to byplay toilet-bowls, gluepears, out-laying-ware and circle-saws (while we straight on it are: I can make you a total deep prize for far-lookers. But only when you don´t say it further - the concurrency sleeps not!). So, I´m no oncatcher and heavy on wire!

    Domain names are the newest jewellerypiece in my offerings. But something makes me head breaking: so many domains are already away! Or someone wants much coal for it. And while the more- worth-tax will be onheaved next year (I can nothing for it, guilty are Angie and Münte), domains again become a very much higherer prize. My customers protest loudstark! I even looked under so comic endings like .im, .ly or .at after. But all is away! And you say nothing. Typic! This goes not so on, but I have the feel it goes you on your backpart foreby. Whole

    honest: this goes on no cowskin; I am stink sour and have the nose painted full. All what I search is passing domains.

    I was - highest personally - part-taker by your last seating
    in Vancouver, to show you better-knowers and clevermountains
    in needle-stripe-at-trains my onlying and to speak a word un- der men. What you gave there to best was to sleep in, but no help. I have the feel you stand like the Ox before the hill. Shame you what!

    Here is my costless idea: Make finally what and lead more domain endings in. Classy, or? Please, give more domain endings free before I´m ripe for the clapsmill!


    Ian Dom from Raining-Castle

    PS: Sorry when my English is under all pig!

    bestprice-reifen.de - hat wahrscheinlich nix mit dem obigen Thema zu tun, aber vl. kann ich trotzdem mal was für euch tun.

    Ich hab einen Vectra C Caravan ohne Kofferaum!

  • #3


    This is an english that could spoken in the slums...


    PS: aber gut... :D

    :respekt: !!!Omega-Freak 4 Life!!! :respekt:

    Klein, Weiß, Stark ---> FIAT Panda 100 HP... R.I.P. ;(

    *bier* !!!!Jetzt wieder mit Blitz auf Tour!!! *bier*

    :ok: 2,5 V6 VFL Limo & 2.0 16V VFL Caravan :ok:

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